Saturday, May 2, 2009

Malibu Earthquake 4.4

Now...this is interesting. On Friday May 1 at 6:11pm (local) There was a substantial 4.4 earthquake in Malibu. And get this.... I felt it! How funny that I would start this blog this week and actually get an earthquake to write about that I felt. It has been over year since I felt one.

I don't have an actual image of the epicenter because google has not photo mapped that area although I can show you the regular map HERE.

I was at my computer when I felt my desk shake. I am about 28 miles from Malibu which might explain that when I looked around I noticed my lights were not moving, my window was not shaking and my bookcase was not moving. Only my desk made a quick shake, almost like a flutter. When I went to the USGS site there was no indication of an earthquake and I thought that maybe it was just me. Perhaps I had pushed my desk in a way to cause the shake. But then when my husband came home he said he really felt the earthquake and that was when I confirmed it. It sometimes take a while before the USGS puts it up.

One more dimension to this story if that is really what we can call it. I was in the middle of sending an email telling someone that I had booked a room at a hotel right down the road from the epicenter of the earthquake when it hit. Que ...weird music.

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